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Sunday, January 22, 2012

How Quickly We Forget!....

With recruiting coming down the home stretch, 
and no class EVER ending like we feel it should!

I like to take a moment and realize how 
F-ING AWESOME Coach Kelly's 
first class really was!...

This class, depending on where you look, ended anywhere from 
number 4 to number 10...but just wait...

Add in:
 Amir Carlisle 4* running back 
Jordan Prestwood 4* O-Line

And 4 or 5 anywhere you look!

Recruiting sometimes reminds me of dating...

Every body likes a nice 10!...she's like the 5* Elite!
Everybody's watching....everybody wants her...
But sometimes she's a BIG HEAD CASE!

Then you got the...

Really nice 7 or 3*
Not getting as much attention...really appreciates it when it comes!
She's hard to make you happy!
and you know what? In the long run, VERY LOYAL!

Or as Coach Kelly calls them RKGs!
Right Kinda Guys!

These are guys that WANT to be here...they WANT 
to play...and the WANT to prove all those little 
services that they were wrong about them!...

Guy's like this:

The Honey Badger!
Solid 4* CB that's best offer outside LSU...Tulane?

This class of 2011 is a sleeper!...Now this summer until
this horrible dead period is over...I'm gonna offer my 
EXPERT...well bias at best...opinion of 
the sleeping monsters in this class!...

Starting with:
Outside LB and complete sleeping MONSTER!

At 6'5 and 235lbs he didn't get as much attention as the norm!
Until....the Shine Bowl were every scout said...
"He should have been the Defensive MVP of his squad"
He also made the BIGGEST jump in ratings of ANY
recruit in the Rivals system from the 
beginning of the season to the end!
From average 3* to 4* knocking on 5*

But at that was too late for the programs making a 
late push for visits...COUNCELL was IRISH and loyal!

He's fast...aggressive..and his range is HUGE!

His wingspan allows him to come off blocks and still 
be effective but very hard to contain!

I expect him to be the surprise this season for the ND Defense!

This class will be the "Turning Point" for Notre Dame Football!

Years from will have started with the 2011 class...

It's like building a mansion!
You gotta start with the BRICKS!...the foundation!

Then you have to work on the second floor!


Then add in the corners and roof!


And the place becomes a fort that cannot be penetrated!

Now go back and look last years class...and this incoming class...

Mix in some really nice icing on this cake with guy's like:


What do you got?....TALENT! Lot's of it!

Coach Kelly is preparing for WAR!

He's stocking the shelves with talent!...

And in 8 days there will be a whole new line of soliders!...
Then it's NEXT MAN IN!


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Nobody panics like a FAN!...

If only the world were as smart as me!

I find myself often in this predicament...

I sit back...I watch...I study...I analyze...and you know what!...

This is not Coach Kelly's first rodeo!

We struggled in big games to run the ball...and protect the QB!


We struggled to establish the run game in big games....


This is not splitting the atom here!...


You wanna go from being good to great?

Fix who's on the bus with you!

-Direction of your company is not as important as 
who is in your company...surround yourself with talent
and your bus will direct it's self!

At the end of the day...we are all just FANS!

Now there are two definitions of the word fan...

1. A person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular
 sport, art or entertainment form, or famous person.

2. Fan being short for FANATIC! 
-also see...Idiot...un rational...
-See Columbus Ohi...uh never mind!

This second one is the one that encapsulates us college 
football fans...

Or convinces us that 1 National Championship in
40 years makes us "ELITE".

So sit back and relax!...This might take a minute or two!

First and formost let's acknowledge our "LACK" of real 
football knowledge... 

You might have played in high school...or 
been a "fan" your entire life, but this in no 
way qualifies you to doubt ANY college
football coach in the country!....

I mean really?...I loved watching the Sopranos!

Doesn't mean I could run the mafia if they approached me!

Then there is this guy...
I read RIVALS....I read SCOUT....I'm a member 
of several different boards!...

I watch  A LOT of film on recruits!...

First things first...YOUTUBE highlights are 
not FILM!

There is not a college coach in the country that uses 
YouTube to determine recruits!...

This is EXACT reason why my clients have me mangage
their investments while SCOTTRADE  
helps day traders lose BILLIONS every year!

I'm just putting this out there for the FAN!

For the guy who bleeds his teams colors...and 
regardless of the outcome is ready for the 
next game!

This is to create a "moment of pause" so 
to speak...

Signing day is still over 2 weeks away...after that day
I will address the class and the misses and triumphs!

Until then take a moment to really "study" the 
class....Look at the 3 stars!

Why the 3 stars?

Cause at the end of the day....EVERYBODY
wanted the 4 stars and 5 stars...

Ask BAMA's D...that started 8 3 star recruits and won 
this important it is to recognize talent!

Go watch Monday Night Football and when they 
announce the starting lineups see how many are from 
small schools that you've never heard of!

The thing I love about Brian Kelly's recruiting?

The 5 star kids are studs....
The 4 star kids are highly sought after.

But the 3 star kids....are diamonds in the rough 
that we are fighting BIG programs like Bama 
to land....
Kid's like...
Justin Ferguson....
Schools offered...Bama,Florida,Florida State..etc..
He's IRISH!...and he's a 3 star DIAMOND!

I love this class so far!....Tee, Deontay,Schumate....

This class will finish strong...just let the man 
do his job...