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Friday, July 19, 2013

Okay..this one is more for me than you...Gotta get this out! GO IRISH!

Stephen Covey's book
 "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
is one of my favorites...One of the principles 
in the book is EVERYDAY when you plan your 
"To Do" list...write down EVERYTHING...
It doesn't matter how menial...take the trash out, buy wine..etc..

The idea behind this is, the more you empty your brain of tasks 
you need to accomplish, the more you will focus on real issues 
that will make you more effective!

It works...the problem is 

And I'm going CRAZY!

So there is not a huge amount of info here...just me emptying 
the brain so I can focus and survive till Temple takes a beating!

Here we go:
You might wanna put the kids to bed before I start!

1.WE HAVE A Mutha-Fing 

-We have had a hell-a-sish off season!

I'm not gonna re-hash what happened, but you can't show me 
another program in the COUNTRY that could go through
what we've gone through and continue to have such positive
expectations, and REALISTIC expectations for our upcoming 

-The Natty
-The Eagles
-Showing the door to a couple players!
-That idiot D-Tackle
-the cologne

Good Lord...And we will still have a great year!

Coach Kelly...brush your shoulder off and enjoy your 
new contract whenever it's announced...

Recruiting?....Yeah..that's going well!
Take yourself to Rivals and get educated on the way they rank
recruiting classes...Now before you do I'll tell you it's STUPID!
They rank the classes not on talent but numbers?

If a class has 20 spots and they have all 3 star players they will 
be ranked top 5!...???

If a class has 15 players and they are all 5 stars...maybe top 20?

So you have to look at this like your analyzing a stock!
Regardless of how many players...what is your
 "average skill level" per player?

Let's talk "average star rating per player" 
Right now ND's average star rating per player is 3.67
(Now they punish us cause regardless how good a kicker 
is he's 2 star?..) 

So out of the top 10 classes in the ENTIRE country 
our players are the highest rated talent-wise across the board!

We also had the highest rated across the board in 2013!

You notice Justin Brent?.... Who recognized this kids ability 
BEFORE the rest of the country got up to speed?

SEE TALENT...before the other guys!

Jonathan Bonner?....Yeah..get excited!

Here's a tidbit for you!
A certain popular Chocolate named player told me...
"The O-Line is gonna really surprise people this year!"

"It's better NOW (spring this year) than at any point last year!"

We are gonna line up...pound the ball...and 
BEG people to load the box!

In the nineties, when the tech boom was hitting, there was 
a saying in the financial industry to describe investments..
"Throw enough spaghetti against the wall..
and some of it will stick!" 

Well guess what..from what I'm hearing from our guys...
I'd be surprised if MOST of it didn't stick!

There is A TON of swagger at the running back position!

The veterans want the rock..the freshman are telling them 
they won't have it long!

What I'm hearing from 7 on 7s is...PROGRESSION.

What I mean by that is...what was "robotic" in the spring is now 
"fluid" in the summer...The youth on the team...
CJ & Brown are now running routes that are smooth, 
rather than counting their steps to a 15 yard out...

Tommy is learning where they want the ball...what each 
receiver's "sweet spot" is....

-He's got soft hands...
-This kid can catch everything..just throw it in his direction!
-He's 6
6'7" throw it high and let him go get it!
-He's fast...look for the fade...
-He stops on a dime..look for the out!
-He's big and goes across the middle!

This is of GREAT importance...the relationship between 
a QB and his Receiving core is being CEMENTED daily!

I'VE EVER COACHED"- Sorry can't tell you who said
it..but it was said!..LOL

While we are talking QBs...ANYONE else notice that
Golson leaving made him a WAY better QB in the 
eyes of the media?

Before the season it was...
"Golson is gonna have to work on a lot of things" 

He leaves....?
"Notre Dame lost their "star quarterback" 

It's too funny!...Wait till he comes back...

So what I'm trying to say, my beloved IRISH family, is 
enjoy the last few weeks of summer...and know we are 
in great hands and the future is bright!

Quick note....Lisa Kelly 
Is a friend mine who has written a great book on 
"Where are they now?" of Irish Legends!
You know in this day and age of "instant" gratification
and five hundred dollar handshakes...and dirty recruiting...

Notre Dame realizes this is still "college" football...
Here's a book reminding us of the glory they experienced 
on the continues in the boardroom!

So later today when you sit down and draw up next week's 
"to do list"...remember to cross off
"Wonder if Notre Dame will be ready for the season?"

Cause that's been taken care of!